At the end of the three-year period provided for in article L. 752-1, the owner or owners of the buildings shall notify the prefect of the département in which the site is located of the measures planned to dismantle and restore the site and the timetable for the operations.
Dismantling and site restoration operations include:
1° The dismantling of the installations, including the foundations, equipment and fittings made for the needs and in the course of commercial operation;
2° The restoration of the site to a state that is compatible with the completion of the development project included in the opposable town planning document in this area;
3° The recovery or disposal of the demolition or dismantling waste in the channels duly authorised for this purpose.
These operations must be completed within eighteen months of their notification to the prefect, unless, at least six months before the end of the timetable initially set, the site owner provides evidence of technical or administrative difficulties beyond his control. In this case, the Prefect may extend the deadline for dismantling and restoration operations.
The Prefect has three months to respond to the request for an extension by means of a reasoned order which, where appropriate, sets the duration of the extension.
Silence on the part of the Prefect beyond the three-month period shall be deemed to constitute agreement to the extension for the duration requested, up to a maximum of eighteen months.