The accounting officer is required to exercise:
1° As regards revenue, control:
-authorisation to collect revenue;
collection of debts and the regularity of reductions and cancellations of revenue orders, within the limits of the information available to him;
accurate settlement of revenue ;
2° As regards expenditure, the control :
the status of the authorising officer or his/her delegate;
the availability of appropriations;
the correct charging of expenditure to the chapters to which it relates according to its nature or purpose ;
the validity of the claim under the conditions set out in 4°;
the payment in full discharge of liabilities;
3° With regard to assets, the control:
of the conservation of rights, liens and mortgages;
of the conservation of the assets for which he keeps the stock accounts;
4° With regard to the validity of the claim, the control:
of the proof of the service rendered and the accuracy of the settlement calculations;
of the supporting documents mentioned in Article R. 821-14-15;
-application of the rules of prescription and forfeiture.