Persons who hold a national master’s degree or a qualification or diploma conferring the grade of master issued in France or a diploma obtained in a foreign country and judged to be of a level comparable to that of the auditor may sit for the certificate of aptitude for the duties of auditor, subject to the issue of the certificate of completion of the training period referred to in the sixth paragraph of Article R. 822-3, persons holding a national master’s degree or a title or diploma conferring the grade of master issued in France or a diploma obtained in a foreign State and deemed to be of a level comparable to the national master’s degree by the Minister of Justice, and who, as the case may be:
1° Have successfully passed the tests for the preparatory certificate for the duties of statutory auditor;
2° Hold the diploma of higher accounting studies governed by the décret n° 81-537 du 12 mai 1981 relatif au diplôme d’études comptables supérieures ou du diplôme d’études supérieures comptables et financières ou ont validé au moins quatre des sept épreuves obligatoires du diplôme supérieur de comptabilité et de gestion dans les conditions définies à l’article 50 of decree no. 2012-432 of 30 March 2012;
3° Hold diplomas deemed to be of a level equivalent to those mentioned in 2° by the Minister of Justice;
The programme and procedures for the certificate of aptitude for the duties of auditor and the preparatory certificate for the duties of auditor are set by a joint order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for higher education.
The tests for the certificate of aptitude and the preparatory certificate for the duties of auditor shall be held at least once a year, on a date set by order of the Minister of Justice, published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.