I.-When a statutory auditor registered on the list mentioned in I of Article L. 822-1 has not declared the information mentioned in Article R. 821-14-7 or paid the contributions due under Article L. 821-6-1, the High Council shall give formal notice to the interested party to comply with its obligations within thirty days of receipt of the act.
If the situation is not remedied within this timeframe, the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes will summon the statutory auditor by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and will hear the statutory auditor within two months. The interested party may be assisted by a statutory auditor or a lawyer or represented by a lawyer.
In the absence of a legitimate reason, the Haut Conseil will proceed with its omission.
II.-Where a statutory auditor registered on the list referred to in I of Article L. 822-1 has failed to pay, when due, the dues owed to the Compagnie Nationale or the regional companies under Article L. 821-6, the regional council shall give formal notice to the party concerned to comply with its obligations within a period of thirty days from receipt of the document.
If the party concerned fails to comply within this period, it shall refer the matter to the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes, which shall proceed in accordance with the second and third paragraphs of I of this article.
III.Failure to do so will result in a ban on disclosing one’s status as an auditor. The provisions of articles R. 824-25 and R. 824-27 are applicable.
Decisions on omissions are taken in the same way and give rise to the same appeals as for registrations.
Repeating this behaviour constitutes a breach liable to disciplinary proceedings.