The provisions of articles R. 823-12 and R. 823-13 are not applicable to:
1° Persons and entities whose balance sheet total plus operating income and financial income, excluding tax, exceeds €122,000,000;
2° Persons and entities that issue securities admitted to trading on a regulated market;
3° Companies governed by the Insurance Code and the Mutual Insurance Code;
4° Credit institutions, finance companies, financial holding companies and parent companies of finance companies governed by the Monetary and Financial Code;
5° Investment companies governed by l’ordonnance n° 45-2710 du 2 novembre 1945 relative aux sociétés d’investissement;
6° Sociétés de développement régional régies par l’article R. 513-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code;
7° Associations and foundations when they are required or when they decide to have a statutory auditor;
8° Sociétés d’économie mixte de construction governed by article L. 321-1 of the town planning code;
9° Organismes d’habitation à loyer modéré soumis aux règles de la comptabilité des entreprises de commerce régis par les articles L. 411-2 et seq. du code de la construction et de l’habitation;
10° Organismes mentionnés à l’article L. 114-8 of the Social Security Code;
11° Institutions and bodies governed by Book IX of the Social Security Code;
12° Administrators and judicial representatives;
13° Professional unions of employees or employers and their unions, and associations of employees or employers mentioned in article L. 2135-1 of the Labour Code;
14° Works councils and central works councils governed by Title II of Book III of Part Two of the Labour Code.
The amount of the fees is then set by mutual agreement between the statutory auditor and the person or entity, having regard to the actual amount of work required to carry out the statutory audit assignment.