1° Documents relating to the fees invoiced, over the last three financial years, for its task of certifying the annual and consolidated financial statements of the public interest entity whose financial statements it is responsible for certifying and, where applicable, of the person that controls it and the persons that are controlled by it, within the meaning of I and II of Article
3° A statement of the nature and amount of the services envisaged which would result in the ceiling being exceeded;
4° A statement drawn up by the specialised committee of the public interest entity referred to in Article L. 823-19 of the reasons justifying that, exceptionally, these services must be provided by the statutory auditor.
An acknowledgement of receipt is issued to the interested party upon receipt of the complete application.
The Board may request from the statutory auditor or the public interest entity any additional information or document likely to enlighten its decision. It may hear the statutory auditor or the members of the specialised committee of the public interest entity. It may call on experts.
The Board shall reach a reasoned decision within one month of receipt of the complete application. If no decision is taken within this period, the application is deemed to have been accepted.
The Bureau’s decision is notified to the applicant by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.