In the event of provisional suspension, temporary prohibition or striking off, the president of the regional company shall immediately inform the persons with whom the statutory auditor was carrying out his duties of this measure.
In the absence of an alternate statutory auditor, when a sanction of provisional suspension, temporary prohibition or striking off is pronounced against a company registered on the list mentioned in I of Article L. 822-1, the president of the regional company to which the company belongs shall appoint, after seeking the opinion of the persons with whom the firm of statutory auditors carried out its duties, for each of these persons, another statutory auditor with the agreement of the latter, to continue the assignment. The duties of the statutory auditor thus appointed end on the expiry date of the mandate entrusted to the statutory auditor sanctioned, unless the impediment is only temporary. In the latter case, when the period of suspension or prohibition has ended, the incumbent resumes his duties after the approval of the accounts by the general meeting or competent body.
The suspended or temporarily prohibited statutory auditor may not participate in the activities of the professional bodies of which he is a member.
Suspension or temporary prohibition is one of the cases of impediment for the application of article L. 823-1.