I.-When the General Rapporteur intends to submit to the High Council a request for the provisional suspension of a statutory auditor pursuant to Article L. 824-7, it will notify the interested party of the decision and the grievances, and will give the latter fifteen days from receipt of the notification to submit its observations. In urgent cases, this period is reduced to seventy-two hours.
II.-When the High Council receives a request for provisional suspension directly, it forwards the request to the general rapporteur so that the latter can obtain the observations of the statutory auditor concerned in accordance with I.
III.-When the provisional suspension is followed by a disciplinary sanction, the duration of the suspension is deducted from the duration of any temporary ban that may be imposed.
IV.-The decision of the High Council to impose or terminate a provisional suspension is notified to the statutory auditor concerned. It will be communicated to the authority which, pursuant to Article L. 824-7, referred the request to the High Council.