For any foreign employee placed in administrative detention, under house arrest or who is no longer on national territory, the Director General of the Office will remind the employer, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other means that allows proof of receipt by the addressee, that it must, if it has not already paid the sums mentioned in article R. 8252-6, pay them without delay into an account opened by the Office in the name of the foreign employee concerned.
If the employer fails to pay by the end of the period referred to in Article L. 8252-4, the Director General will issue an enforcement order for the sums due in application of Article L. 8252-2, to enable the Office’s Accounting Officer to recover them. The Director General shall notify the employer of his decision and of the recovery order by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other means that provides proof of receipt by the addressee.
Recovery of the sums referred to in this article shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions governing enforcement orders issued for the recovery of debts owed by national public establishments.
If the foreign employee is still on national territory, the accounting officer of the Office will pay the sums to the foreign employee concerned.
If the foreign employee has left the national territory, these sums are transferred to the country to which he/she has returned or been deported so that they can be remitted to him/her. The shipping costs mentioned in 3° of article L. 8252-2 are paid by the employer.