The Prefect of the département in which the establishment is located or, in Paris and on the premises of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Le Bourget and Paris-Orly airports, the Police Prefect, may decide, in the light of the information sent to him, to implement one or more of the measures provided for in articles L. 8272-2 and L. 8272-4 with regard to the offending employer, taking into account all the elements of the situation observed, and in particular any other penalties that he may be liable to. Beforehand, it informs the company, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other means allowing proof of receipt by the addressee, of its intention, specifying the measure(s) envisaged and invites it to submit its observations within a period of fifteen days. On expiry of this period, in the light of any comments made by the company, the Prefect may decide to implement the appropriate penalty or penalties. He will notify the company of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other means that can be used to prove receipt by the addressee, and will immediately send a copy to the public prosecutor. He will send a copy to the prefect of the company’s head office if the establishment is located in a different département.