Article L945-1 of the French Commercial code
As an exception to article L. 940-6, the references to provisions of a regulatory nature mentioned in articles L. 523-14 and L. 524-19 are maintained.
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As an exception to article L. 940-6, the references to provisions of a regulatory nature mentioned in articles L. 523-14 and L. 524-19 are maintained.
In article L. 511-55, the word “destitution” is deleted.
Article L. 511-60 reads as follows: “Art. L. 511-60-The procedures for applying the provisions of this sub-section are laid down by deliberation of the competent territorial authority. “
In article L. 511-61, the words: “or territorial authorities” are replaced by the words: “or communes or French Polynesia”.
The second paragraph of article L. 511-62 reads as follows: “The pension includes the sums indicated in Articles L. 511-45 and L. 511-46, in addition to any brokerage and stamp duties provided for by the provisions applicable in French Polynesia. “
In articles L. 523-8 and L. 524-6, the words: “articles 1426 to 1429 of the Code of Civil Procedure” are replaced by the words: “locally applicable provisions of civil procedure relating to offers of payment and deposit”.
In the first paragraph of article L. 525-2, after the words “at a fixed rate of duty”, the words “in accordance with the procedures in force in French Polynesia” are added.
In II of in Article L. 525-9, the words: “to the lien referred to in Article L. 243-4 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “to the lien organised in favour of the territory’s social welfare fund. “
Article L. 525-18 is amended as follows: I.-In 1°, the reference to Decree no. 53-968 of 30 September 1953 is replaced by the reference to Decree no. 55-639 of 20 May 1955; II.-The 2° is worded as follows: ” 2° Seagoing vessels as well as riverboats. “
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