Article A143-1 of the French Insurance Code
I.-The threshold mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 143-2 is 5,000 members. II-The threshold mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 143-2 is 100 members for each category.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Insurance Code | Regulatory part - Orders | Book I: Contracts | Title IV: Group insurance | Chapter III: Supplementary occupational pension contracts
I.-The threshold mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 143-2 is 5,000 members. II-The threshold mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 143-2 is 100 members for each category.
I.-In application of article L. 143-2-2, members of a contract referred to in the first paragraph of article L. 381-1 and guaranteed by a supplementary professional retirement fund shall be provided, on request, within a period not exceeding one month: -the management report and annual accounts relating to the auxiliary allocation account(s) referred to in articles L. 143-4 and L. 381-2 ; -the report indicating the investment policy and the…
For the contracts mentioned in article L. 143-1, when the guarantees are expressed in units of account, the insurer or the supplementary occupational pension fund, at the request of the subscriber, member or beneficiary, will inform him within a period which may not exceed one month of the range of possible investment options and the existing investment portfolio, with a description of the risks and costs relating to these investments.
The notice referred to in the first paragraph of article L. 143-2-2 contains the following information 1° The name, country of origin and name of the authority responsible for supervising the supplementary occupational pension fund, the institution for occupational retirement provision or the insurance company guaranteeing the contract; 2° The corporate name and contact details of the subscriber; 3° The essential terms of the contract, in particular the guarantees offered…
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