Article R522-1 of the French Commercial code
Applications for approval under Article L. 522-1 are filed with the prefecture by the operator of the warehouse concerned.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK V: Commercial paper and guarantees. | TITLE II: Guarantees. | Chapter II: General shops. | Section 1: Approval, transfer and cessation of business.
Applications for approval under Article L. 522-1 are filed with the prefecture by the operator of the warehouse concerned.
Applications for approval must be accompanied by the following documents: 1° The unique identification number; 2° In the case of a company, a copy of the articles of association and the list of partners owning more than 10% of the share capital; 3° A plan of the premises allocated to the operation, with an indication of the nature of the operator’s rights over these premises; 4° A brief indicating the…
The prefect may require any documents to establish the identity, character and financial situation of the operator.
Applications for authorisation filed by the companies mentioned in article L. 522-11 are posted for a period of three months following filing, at the prefecture and at the town hall and commercial court registry of the location of the warehouse. During the first month, they will also be inserted in one or more media authorised to receive legal notices.
In ruling on the application for approval, the prefect shall check that the draft special regulations submitted comply with the provisions of the standard regulations.
Where the approval of a warehouse as a general shop is the subject of a decree or ministerial order, a copy of this decree or ministerial order shall be notified by the prefect to the Fédération nationale des prestataires logistiques et des magasins généraux agréés par l’Etat and to the territorial chamber of commerce and industry in whose district the warehouse concerned is located. .
The bond imposed by the prefect’s order is set at 3.18 per square metre of shop floor and 1.06 euros per square metre of building site, with a minimum of 212 euros and a maximum of 2,120 euros, applicable to all establishments operating in the same commune.
The guarantee may be provided in full or in part in money, annuities, securities admitted to trading on a regulated market, or by a first mortgage on immovable property with a value double the sum guaranteed. It may also be provided in full by one of the credit institutions or finance companies authorised for this purpose or one of the institutions or establishments mentioned in article L. 518-1 of the…
The rights of the operator on whose behalf the establishment is sold and those of his creditors are settled in accordance with the provisions of Title IV of Book I relating to the sale and pledge of the business.
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