Article R814-26 of the French Commercial code
The guarantee fund may take out group insurance contracts to provide supplementary pension and social security benefits for its members who wish to take out such contracts.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VIII: Some regulated professions. | TITLE I: Judicial administrators, judicial representatives and business diagnostics experts. | Chapter IV: Common provisions | Section 3: Guaranteed representation of funds, professional civil liability, remuneration and continuing professional training. | Page 2
The guarantee fund may take out group insurance contracts to provide supplementary pension and social security benefits for its members who wish to take out such contracts.
The remuneration of court-appointed administrators in respect of the mandates entrusted to them in civil matters is fixed on proof of the completion of their mission by the president of the court that appointed them. This decision may be appealed in accordance with the rules of articles 714 to 718 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
The president of the court which entrusts an assignment to a court-appointed administrator, in civil matters, may fix the amount of an advance on the remuneration of this professional.
The duration of the vocational training provided for in article L. 814-9 is twenty hours over the course of a calendar year or forty hours over the course of two consecutive years.
Continuing education covers legal, economic, financial, accounting, social and ethical issues. It is directly linked to the professional activity carried out.
The Conseil national des administrateurs judiciaires et mandataires judiciaires defines the general guidelines and the various subjects to which the training obligation relates. During the first two years of professional practice, the training includes at least ten hours relating to the ethics of judicial administrators and judicial representatives, the professional status and the management of an office.
The activities validated under the continuing training obligation are: 1° Participation in actions to adapt and develop skills, acquire, maintain or improve knowledge and training relating to the economy and management of the company. The Conseil national des administrateurs judiciaires et des mandataires judiciaires (National Council of Judicial Administrators and Judicial Representatives) selects from among these those it considers to be a priority; 2° Attendance at colloquia, conferences or seminars,…
The training mentioned in 1° to 4° of article R. 814-28-4 shall be completed with the Conseil national des administrateurs judiciaires et des mandataires judiciaires, university establishments or training bodies, registered or having filed a declaration of activity in the process of being registered, in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 6351-1 to L. 6351-8 and R. 6351-1 to R. 6351-7of the Labour Code.
Organisations providing training as defined in 1° to 4° of article R. 814-28-4 shall issue the person who has completed the activities validated as continuing education with a certificate stating the objectives, content, duration and date of completion of the activity. In the case of a symposium, conference or seminar, this document attests to the professional’s attendance at the event.
Administrators judiciaire and mandataires judiciaires shall declare, by 31 January at the latest, to the Conseil national des administrateurs judiciaires et mandataires judiciaires the conditions under which they have fulfilled their continuing training obligation during the past year. The supporting documents needed to verify compliance with this obligation are attached to this declaration. The National Council sends the coordinating magistrate mentioned in the second paragraph of the article R. 811-40,…
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