Article R231-2 of the French Sports Code
Every year, sports federations publish an official calendar of competitions to ensure that sportspeople have enough recovery time to protect their health.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Sports Code | Regulatory part - Decrees | BOOK II: PLAYERS IN SPORT | TITLE III: ATHLETES' HEALTH AND THE FIGHT AGAINST DOPING | Chapter I: Medical monitoring of athletes | Section 2: Role of sports federations
Every year, sports federations publish an official calendar of competitions to ensure that sportspeople have enough recovery time to protect their health.
The medical surveillance to which the sports federations mentioned in article L. 231-6 subject their licence holders registered on the list of top level sportsmen and women or recognised in the federal performance project is intended to prevent the health risks inherent in intensive sports practice.
The federation’s competent governing body shall appoint a doctor, in accordance with the conditions set out in the federation’s medical regulations, to coordinate the examinations provided for under the medical surveillance defined in article R. 231-3.
The results of examinations carried out as part of the medical monitoring defined in article R. 231-3 are sent to the athlete as well as to the doctor mentioned in article R. 231-4. They are recorded in the individual record book provided for in article L. 231-7.
Each year, the doctor referred to in article R. 231-4 will draw up a report on the medical surveillance provided for in this chapter. This report sets out the methods of implementation and a summary of the collective results of this surveillance. It is presented by this doctor at the first federal general meeting following its establishment and sent by the federation to the Minister for Sport.
In application of this chapter, persons required to know individual data relating to the medical surveillance of licence holders registered on the list of top-level sportsmen and women or recognised in the federal performance project are bound by professional secrecy under the conditions and subject to the reservations set out in articles 226-13 and 226-14 of the French Criminal Code.
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