Article D112-6 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
The minimum amount mentioned in 1° of III of article L. 112-14 is set at 1 euro. The maximum amount mentioned in 2° of the same III is set at 60 euros.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Monetary and Financial Code | Regulatory part | Book I: Money | Title I: General provisions | Chapter II: Rules governing the use of currency. | Section 5: Provision of cash as part of a payment transaction
The minimum amount mentioned in 1° of III of article L. 112-14 is set at 1 euro. The maximum amount mentioned in 2° of the same III is set at 60 euros.
When providing the service referred to in I of Article L. 112-14, the following is punishable by a fifth-class fine 1° Provide cash against payment by means of a payment instrument included in the list mentioned in the second paragraph of II of the same article L. 112-14, where applicable as adjusted by the Banque de France in accordance with IV of this article ; 2° Providing cash in connection…
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