Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Legislative part | Part four: Health professions | Book I: Medical professions | Title II: Organisation of the medical professions | Chapter V: Provisions common to the various councils.
All councils have legal personality.
The offices of president, vice-president, secretary general or treasurer of a conseil de l’ordre are incompatible with : 1° any of the corresponding functions of a professional association ; 2° Any of these functions in another council. For the order of midwives, these incompatibilities concern the members of the bureau of the departmental councils and one of the corresponding functions of the national council.
Any departmental, territorial, regional, inter-regional or national councillor of the Ordre who, without good reason, has not attended three consecutive meetings may, on the proposal of the council concerned, be declared to have resigned by the national council. Employers or, in the case of public servants, the hierarchical authority, are required to allow their employees or servants who are members of a council of the Association, the time necessary to…
The duties of a member of a departmental, regional or inter-regional council or of the national council of the Ordre are carried out on a voluntary basis. However, the president and members of the executive committee of a departmental, regional or inter-regional council or of the national council of the ordre may receive an allowance. The members of a departmental, regional or inter-regional council or of the national council may…
When the territorial jurisdiction of the departmental, regional or inter-regional councils, or of the disciplinary chambers of first instance is modified, the National Council shall arrange for the election of new bodies. These elections must take place at the time normally scheduled for the first partial renewal following publication of the text amending the territorial jurisdiction of these bodies. In order to allow half of the new bodies to be…
Elections to disciplinary councils and chambers may be referred to the administrative court under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
Elections to the Board shall be by a majority of the members present or having voted by post or electronically. A majority of the members present shall elect the Chairman and the Executive Committee. The principles governing the elections referred to in the previous two paragraphs are laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. The procedures for elections by electronic means shall be laid down by decree issued after…
Without prejudice to the provisions of articles L. 4122-1-2 and L. 4123-10 and VI of article L. 4124-11, when the number of vacant seats no longer enables a quorum to be reached, the President of the National Council or, at his request, the oldest member of the Council concerned may authorise, by way of exception, the members remaining in office, on the one hand, to hold new elections, if necessary…
No person may stand for election as a member of a Board or as an assessor of a Disciplinary Board if he has reached the age of seventy-one by the closing date for receipt of nomination papers.
Subject to the provisions of article L. 4124-6 of this Code and articles L. 145-2 and L. 145-2-1 of the Social Security Code, only practitioners of French nationality or nationals of one of the Member States of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area who are registered with the Association are eligible for election.
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