Article L2141-9 of the French Labour Code
Trade unions that are representative in the company benefit from the provisions applicable to the trade union section and the trade union delegate set out in Chapters III and IV.
Trade unions that are representative in the company benefit from the provisions applicable to the trade union section and the trade union delegate set out in Chapters III and IV.
The provisions of this Title shall not prevent collective labour agreements or arrangements containing more favourable clauses, in particular those relating to the establishment of trade union delegates or central trade union delegates in all cases where the legal provisions have not made such establishment compulsory. No limitation may be placed on the provisions relating to the exercise of trade union rights by memorandum or unilateral decision of the employer.
For the purposes of this Title, the methods for calculating the number of employees are those set out in Articles L. 1111-2 and L. 1251-54.
Decrees of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of this Title to activities, which by their nature lead to dispersion or permanent mobility of personnel, linked to the normal exercise of the profession.
The Minister for Labour publishes a report on employees in very small companies who are not covered by a collective agreement, a branch agreement, a set of agreements or a special status, and sets up an action plan to improve collective agreement coverage.
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