Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VII: Commercial jurisdictions and the organisation of commerce. | TITLE VI: Markets of national interest and commercial events. | Chapter I: Markets of national interest | Section 3: General organisation of markets of national interest | Subsection 1: Provisions common to all national interest markets.
Users of the marché d’intérêt national or its ancillary establishments are: 1° Professional sellers and brokers; 2° Producers, their groups and organisations, who may only sell their own production; 3° Professional buyers; 4° Other users authorised by the manager, in particular operators and users of services, facilities and installations belonging to the market or established within its enclosure.
Users mentioned in 1° of article R. 761-14 provide proof of their registration in France with the Trade and Companies Register or an equivalent registration in a foreign country guaranteeing the lawfulness of their activity. Users mentioned in 2° of article R. 761-14 provide proof of their status to the market manager by any means. Purchasers on the market provide proof either of their registration in France in the Trade…
Market users are, in particular, bound by the following obligations: 1° To comply with the provisions of the market’s internal rules and with the laws and regulations applicable to their activities; 2° Not to damage the image and reputation of the market; 3° To comply with their contractual obligations to the manager; 4° To pay the fees and contributions of all kinds collected by the manager.
Each market has internal regulations drawn up by the manager and approved by the prefect responsible for policing the market. The internal regulations provide in particular: 1° The hours of sale for each product and according to each sales practice as well as the hours of access to the market’s ancillary facilities and activities; 2° The arrangements for user access to the market and those under which the manager may…
A disciplinary board is set up in each market. Except in the case of a warning, the matter shall be referred to it by the authority competent, pursuant to article R. 761-19, to impose the penalty envisaged. Its composition and operation shall be laid down by order of the ministers responsible for trade and agriculture.
Users may be subject to disciplinary sanctions for breaching the rules governing the market. The interested party must be given the opportunity to present their observations, under the conditions set out in articles L. 121-1, L. 121-2 and L. 122-1 of the code des relations entre le public et l’administration. These penalties are:
A technical advisory committee shall be set up under the market manager. It shall discuss all matters relating to the operation of the market. Its composition and operation shall be laid down by order of the ministers responsible for trade and agriculture. .
In the absence of a reference perimeter, the extension or reduction of the market enclosure and its transfer within the same department are decided by the manager. If such a perimeter has been created: 1° The extension or reduction of the market enclosure is approved by order of the prefect responsible for policing the market; 2° At the request of the manager, the delegating authority or, on its own initiative,…
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