Article 4 A of the French General Tax Code
Persons whose tax domicile is in France are liable for income tax on all their income. Those whose tax domicile is outside France are liable for this tax solely on their French-source income.
Persons whose tax domicile is in France are liable for income tax on all their income. Those whose tax domicile is outside France are liable for this tax solely on their French-source income.
1. The following shall be deemed to have their tax domicile in France within the meaning of Article 4 A : a. Persons who have their home or main place of residence in France; b. Those who carry on a professional activity in France, whether employed or self-employed, unless they can prove that this activity is carried on there on an ancillary basis; The directors of companies whose registered office…
Sont également passibles de l’impôt sur le revenu: 1° (Abrogated); 2° Les personnes de nationalité française ou étrangère, ayant ou non leur domicile fiscal en France, qui recueillent des bénéfices ou revenus dont l’imposition est attribuée à la France par une convention internationale relative aux doubles impositions.
Sont affranchis de l’impôt sur le revenu : 1° (Provision obsolete) ; 2° (Abrogated) ; 2° bis (Abrogated) ; 3° Ambassadors and diplomatic agents, consuls and consular agents of foreign nationality, but only to the extent that the countries they represent grant similar advantages to French diplomatic and consular agents.
1. Each taxpayer is liable to income tax on the basis of both his personal profits and income and those of his children and persons considered to be his dependants within the meaning of the articles 196 et 196 A bis. Income received by children deemed to be equally dependent on either of their parents is, in the absence of proof to the contrary, deemed to be shared equally between…
The rules governing taxation, the basis of assessment and the settlement of tax, as well as those concerning the filing of returns, provided for by the present code with regard to income tax for married taxpayers, are applicable under the same conditions to partners bound by a civil solidarity pact. .
Subject to the provisions of article 6, members of sociétés en nom collectif and general partners of sociétés en commandite simple are, where these companies have not opted for the tax regime applicable to sociétés de capitaux, personally subject to income tax on the share of company profits corresponding to their rights in the company. If ownership of all or part of the company shares is divided, the usufructuary is…
The members or shareholders of the companies referred to in Article 1655 ter are personally subject to income tax for the portion of corporate income corresponding to their rights in the company.
The members of sociétés civiles professionnelles constituted for the joint practice of the profession of their members and operating in accordance with the provisions of loi n° 66-879 du 29 novembre 1966 modifiée sont personnellement soumis à l’impôt sur le revenu pour la part des bénéfices sociaux qui leur est attribuée même lorsque ces sociétés ont adopté le statut de coopérative.
Each member of ship co-ownerships governed by articles L. 5114-30 to L. 5114-50 of the Transport Code is personally liable for income tax on the share corresponding to his rights in the profits declared by the co-ownership.
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