Article R4332-9 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The chapter “Dotation régionale d’équipement scolaire” created by Article L. 4332-3 is included in the budget of the Ministry of the Interior.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK III: REGIONAL FINANCES | TITLE III: REVENUE | CHAPTER II : Special financing arrangements | Section 2: Regional school equipment grants
The chapter “Dotation régionale d’équipement scolaire” created by Article L. 4332-3 is included in the budget of the Ministry of the Interior.
The allocation is distributed each year between the regions in such a way as to take into account, up to 60%, the capacity of the establishments and, up to 40%, changes in the school-age population. The 60% intended to take account of the capacity of the establishments is distributed as follows: 1° 30%, in proportion to the total developed surface area of school buildings; 2° 5%, in proportion to the…
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article R. 4332-10, the distribution of the allocation guaranteed to each region, before application of the transitional provisions provided for by l’article 17-1 de la loi n° 83-663 du 22 juillet 1983 complétant la loi n° 83-8 du 7 janvier 1983 relative à la répartition de compétences entre les communes, les départements, les régions et l’Etat, une attribution dont le taux de progression d’une année sur…
The allocations made to the regions are established in programme authorisations. The amount of these authorisations is notified to each region by the regional prefect. The payment appropriations corresponding to these programme authorisations are allocated, as far as the regional school equipment allocation is concerned, by the regional prefect.
Payment appropriations corresponding to programme authorisations are to be paid in the following proportions: – 42% during the year in which these allocations are granted; – 35% during the year following the year in which these allocations are granted; – 23% during the second year following the year in which these allocations are granted. The corresponding sums are paid in quarters at the beginning of each quarter.
The amount of the regional school equipment grant is entered in a chapter reserved for this purpose in the investment section of the region’s budget. This chapter comprises, on the one hand, programme authorisation appropriations and, on the other hand, payment appropriations. The budget balance is assessed with regard to payment appropriations alone. However, expenditure may be regularly committed within the limit of programme authorisations.
After the Finance Bill has been deposited on the National Assembly’s desk and before 15 October each year at the latest, the regional prefect informs the region of the provisional amount of the regional school facilities grant likely to be allocated to the region. He will notify the region of the final amount of this allocation as soon as the Finance Act has been promulgated. .
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