Article L2231-5 of the French Labour Code
The earliest of the signatory organisations to an agreement or arrangement notifies the text to all representative organisations at the end of the signature procedure.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Two: Collective labour relations | Book II: Collective bargaining - Collective bargaining agreements | Title III: Conditions for the negotiation and conclusion of collective labour agreements | Chapter I: Conditions of validity | Section 3: Notification, publication and filing.
The earliest of the signatory organisations to an agreement or arrangement notifies the text to all representative organisations at the end of the signature procedure.
Branch, group, inter-company, company and establishment agreements are made public and included in a national database, the content of which is published online in an easily reusable open standard. They are published in a version that does not include the full names of the negotiators and signatories. After the conclusion of the group, inter-company, company or establishment agreement, the parties may agree that part of the agreement need not be…
Agreements are filed in accordance with the conditions laid down by regulation.
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