Article L3334-1 of the French Labour Code
Subject to the specific provisions of this chapter and articles L. 3332-18 to L. 3332-24, the provisions relating to the company savings plan are applicable to the collective retirement savings plan.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book III: Employee dividends: incentives, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Title III: Employee savings plans | Chapter IV: Group retirement savings plan | Section 1: Setting up.
Subject to the specific provisions of this chapter and articles L. 3332-18 to L. 3332-24, the provisions relating to the company savings plan are applicable to the collective retirement savings plan.
A collective retirement savings plan may be set up at the initiative of the company or in accordance with one of the procedures mentioned in article L. 3322-6. The plan may be set up without using the services of the institution mentioned in I of article 8 of order no. 2006-344 of 23 March 2006, when this plan is not offered in the territory of another Member State or in…
A company which has had a company savings plan in place for more than three years shall open negotiations with a view to setting up a collective retirement savings plan or a contract mentioned in b of 1 of I of article 163 quatervicies of the General Tax Code or a scheme mentioned in 2° of article 83 of the same code.
The collective retirement savings plan may also be set up as an inter-company savings plan under the conditions set out in Chapter III.
A collective retirement savings plan may provide for default membership by the company’s employees, unless the latter advise otherwise. Employees are informed of this clause under conditions laid down by decree.
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