Article R742-7 of the French Commercial code
The training course in the profession of commercial court clerk is reserved for successful candidates in the competitive entrance examination for the profession of commercial court clerk.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VII: Commercial jurisdictions and the organisation of commerce. | TITLE IV: The Commercial Court Registry. | Chapter II: Conditions for admission to the profession and to other judicial and legal professions | Section 1: Conditions for admission to the profession of commercial court clerk | Subsection 1: Qualifying conditions | Paragraph 2: Training period.
The training course in the profession of commercial court clerk is reserved for successful candidates in the competitive entrance examination for the profession of commercial court clerk.
The duration of the traineeship is one year. It is reduced to three months for the persons mentioned in article R. 742-3.
The traineeship is completed with the clerk of a commercial court. The Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce draws up each year, in agreement with the clerks of the commercial courts, a list of proposed traineeships comprising at least as many proposals as places offered in the competition. These proposals specify the location of the traineeship as well as the dates or periods on which it begins and…
The trainee participates in the professional activity of the training supervisor under the latter’s direction and responsibility, without being able to substitute for him/her in the acts of his/her function, under the conditions defined by the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce. The training period must correspond to the normal working hours as they result from the regulations, collective agreements, agreements or usages in force for the professional…
The Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce shall keep a register in which shall be entered the name of the trainee, the name of the training supervisor(s) and the dates on which the training period begins and ends.
The Minister for Justice may at any time request a copy of the probationary period register. The probationer shall notify the National Council of any change in the conditions under which the probationary period was completed.
The trainee ceases to be entered on the training register either at his or her request or when he or she is entered on the list of suitable candidates provided for in Article R. 742-16.
The trainee is struck off the register of traineeships by decision of the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce: 1° If he or she is the subject of a criminal conviction for acts contrary to honour or probity; 2° If he or she interrupts his or her traineeship for more than one year without a valid reason; 3° If he or she does not validate the additional traineeship…
A training period that has been duly completed gives rise to the drawing up of a training period report by the training supervisor. This document specifies the duration of the training and the terms of the trainee’s remuneration and includes a description of the tasks entrusted to the trainee as well as the training supervisor’s detailed assessments of the trainee and the quality of his/her work. This report is sent…
At the end of the training period, the trainee appears before a committee responsible for validating the experience gained. With the exception of the persons mentioned in article R. 742-3, the trainee may be authorised by the Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce to appear before this commission during the last three months of the traineeship. The probation report mentioned in Article R. 742-15 is submitted to the…
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