Article R1511-44 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The aid provided for in the first paragraph of I of Article L. 1511-8 may consist of:
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS | BOOK V: ECONOMIC PROVISIONS | TITLE I: AID TO BUSINESSES | SINGLE CHAPTER | Section 7: Aid for healthcare provision in areas with health deficits | Subsection 1: Aid for setting up and maintaining health professionals and health centres
The aid provided for in the first paragraph of I of Article L. 1511-8 may consist of:
The agreements referred to in the first paragraph of I of article L. 1511-8 shall be concluded between the health professional or the managing body of the health centre receiving the aid, the group(s) or local authority(ies) which allocate(s) the aid and the regional union of health insurance funds. They specify in particular: 1° The commitments made by the beneficiary in return for the aid granted, which must include a…
The draft agreement is submitted for an opinion to the regional health mission, which gives its opinion on the consistency between the aid envisaged and that granted, where applicable, by the health insurance bodies pursuant to the contractual arrangements provided for in Article L. 162-14-1 of the Social Security Code.
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