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Article R232-67-11 of the French Sports Code

On a proposal from the athlete’s passport management unit, the College of the French Anti-Doping Agency draws up a list of experts who may be appointed to take part in the work of the committee referred to in article L. 232-22-1.

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Article R232-67-12 of the French Sports Code

The committee is made up of three members. It includes the expert mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 232-67-10 or the head of the athlete passport management unit when the latter has not appointed this expert in application of the provisions of the last paragraph of article R. 232-67-10-1. The other members are appointed by the head of the athlete passport management unit from the experts on the…

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Article R232-67-13 of the French Sports Code

When an athlete’s file is referred to it, the Committee issues an opinion in accordance with the conditions set out in the international standards adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency. The Committee’s opinion may be obtained by electronic consultation under conditions that guarantee the confidentiality of the exchanges.

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Article R232-67-14 of the French Sports Code

When the Committee considers that the evidence gathered indicates the Use of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method, and unanimously agrees that it is probable that the athlete has Used a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method, the Secretary General shall give the notification provided for in article R. 232-88, attaching the biological passport documentation file and the joint report of the experts. The athlete is invited to submit his observations…

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Article R232-67-15 of the French Sports Code

Where the Committee confirms its initial position, the College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against the athlete concerned for an alleged breach of the provisions of article L. 232-9. The athlete shall then be notified of the grievances in accordance with the conditions set out in article R. 232-89.

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Article R232-67-16 of the French Sports Code

Where an Athlete is sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation based on an Adverse Analytical Finding, the Athlete’s biological profile shall be restored to its original state at the start of the Prohibited Period. When the athlete is sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation on the basis of information other than his biological profile, this profile remains in force unless the use of a prohibited substance or method has resulted…

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