Article L5212-6 of the French Labour Code
The employer fulfils its employment obligation by employing the beneficiaries mentioned in article L. 5212-13, whatever the duration and nature of their contract.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Five: Employment | Book II: Provisions applicable to certain categories of workers | Title I: Disabled workers | Chapter II: Obligation to employ disabled workers, war veterans and the like | Section 3: Procedures for implementing the obligation | Subsection 1: Implementation through the employment of disabled workers
The employer fulfils its employment obligation by employing the beneficiaries mentioned in article L. 5212-13, whatever the duration and nature of their contract.
Employers may fulfil their employment obligation: 1° By taking on trainees mentioned in article L. 5212-13, for any length of time, as well as young people over the age of sixteen who are entitled to the disability compensation allowance, the compensatory allowance for a third party or the education allowance for a disabled child and who have a traineeship agreement; 2° By taking on the beneficiaries mentioned in the same…
When calculating the number of beneficiaries of the employment obligation referred to in Article L. 5212-13, the effort made by the company in favour of beneficiaries who are experiencing particular difficulties in remaining in employment may be taken into account, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree.
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