Article R5313-1 of the French Labour Code
The employment centres referred to in Article L. 5313-1 provide private and public employers with information and raise awareness about discrimination in recruitment and employment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book III: Public employment service and job placement | Title I: The public employment service | Chapter III: Employment centres.
The employment centres referred to in Article L. 5313-1 provide private and public employers with information and raise awareness about discrimination in recruitment and employment.
The maisons de l’emploi (employment centres) and, for French nationals living outside France, the consular councils carry out information and awareness-raising campaigns for private and public employers operating within their jurisdiction on professional equality and the reduction of pay gaps between women and men.
The State aid referred to in article L. 5313-1 is allocated by the Regional Prefect to employment centres for the implementation of the following actions, based on a territorial diagnosis: 1° Participation in anticipating economic change ; 2° Contributing to the development of local employment; 3° Reducing cultural or social obstacles to access to employment. This aid can only be granted if the employment centre is set up as an…
The maisons de l’emploi can only benefit from State aid if they meet the conditions set out in a specification, issued by order of the Minister for Employment, which specifies the relationships with their partners and the terms and conditions of their funding by the State.
The State’s contribution may not exceed a percentage of the Maison de l’Emploi’s operating budget and a ceiling set by order of the Minister for Employment. State aid may only cover operating expenses.
An agreement is signed between the regional prefect and the job centre. This agreement specifies the objectives to be achieved, the resources to be used, the duration of the agreement and the budget of the job centre, as well as the amount and conditions for monitoring the use of the aid allocated. The Regional Prefect presents the agreement to the Regional Employment Council.
Each year, the maisons de l’emploi send the regional prefect a financial report and a report on their activities, highlighting the contributions they have made to the operation of the public employment service and the job market in the area in which they operate.
Where the job centre takes the form of a public interest grouping, it is administered by a board of directors made up of representatives of its constituent members. This board elects its chairman from among its members. The grouping’s director, appointed by the board of directors, is responsible for running the grouping under the authority of the board and its chairman.
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