Article D2341-1 of the French Labour Code
Video-conference meetings of the European Works Council on the basis of Article L. 2341-12 are held under the conditions laid down in Articles D. 2325-1-1 et seq.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Book III: Employee representative bodies | Title IV: European Works Council or information and consultation procedure in Community-scale undertakings
Video-conference meetings of the European Works Council on the basis of Article L. 2341-12 are held under the conditions laid down in Articles D. 2325-1-1 et seq.
The secretary of the European Works Council is appointed by majority vote from among its members. The members of the bureau are elected from among the members of the committee.
The number of seats on the special negotiating body and the European works council set up in the absence of an agreement for each of the States mentioned in Article L. 2341-1 is set according to the following rules: 1° Up to 10% of the total workforce: 1 seat ; 2° From more than 10% to 20% of the total workforce: 2 seats; 3° Between 20% and 30% of the…
Disputes relating to the appointment of members of the special negotiating body and of representatives on the European works council of employees of establishments or undertakings located in France fall within the jurisdiction of the judicial court of the registered office of the undertaking or of the dominant French subsidiary of the Community-scale group of undertakings.
The Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment may authorise the abolition of the European Works Council under the conditions set out in Article L. 2345-1.
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