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Article R1431-10 of the French Labour Code

The Conseil supérieur de la prud’homie sets up a standing committee from among its members. This committee prepares the work of the Council and may be consulted in urgent cases. It is chaired by the Chairman of the Council and, if he is unable to attend, by the representative of the Minister of Justice.

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Article R1431-11 of the French Labour Code

The standing committee comprises : 1° Three representatives of the State chosen from among the members of the Conseil supérieur de la prud’homie ; 2° Six members of the Conseil supérieur, full members or alternates, representing employees; 3° Six members of the Board of Governors, full members or alternates, representing employers. The members of the standing committee representing employers and employees are appointed on the proposal of the professional organisations…

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Article R1431-14 of the French Labour Code

The agenda of the Conseil supérieur de la prud’homie and that of the standing committee are set by the chairman. Except in urgent cases, the agenda is sent to those concerned at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting.

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