Article R1233-22 of the French Labour Code
If the employee accepts the reclassification leave, it begins on expiry of the response period provided for in article R. 1233-21.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title III: Termination of open-ended employment contracts | Chapter III: Redundancies for economic reasons | Section 5: Social and territorial support for redundancy procedures | Subsection 1: Reclassification leave | Paragraph 2: Implementation of redeployment leave
If the employee accepts the reclassification leave, it begins on expiry of the response period provided for in article R. 1233-21.
Reclassification leave enables employees to benefit from the services of a job search support unit and from training initiatives designed to promote their professional reclassification. During this leave, the employee can also have their acquired experience validated or take steps to have it validated.
The job search support unit provides: 1° Reception, information and support for the employee in his job search; 2° Individualised and regular monitoring of the employee; 3° Prospecting and placement operations to ensure the employee’s redeployment.
The services offered by the support unit are provided either by a service provider chosen by the employer, or by company employees appointed by the employer.
The support unit must have the necessary resources to enable it to fulfil its role. One or more employees may provide support, with the agreement of the employer.
When the employee accepts the reclassification leave, an assessment and orientation interview is carried out by the support unit. The purpose of this interview is to determine the employee’s professional reclassification project and how it is to be implemented. At the end of this interview, the support unit provides the employer and the employee with a document specifying the content and duration of the actions required to promote redeployment. When…
In the light of the document provided by the support unit to the employer and the employee, in accordance with the second paragraph of article R. 1233-27, the employer shall specify in a document : 1° The term of the redeployment leave; 2° The services of the support unit from which the employee may benefit; 3° Depending on the case, the precise nature of the training or validation of the…
The document provided for in article R. 1233-28 is drawn up in duplicate, one of which is given to the employee. Each copy is signed by the employee and the employer prior to the implementation of the actions provided for under the redeployment leave.
The employee has eight days from the date of presentation to sign the document provided for in article R. 1233-28. If, at the end of this period, the document has not been signed, the employer will notify the employee of the end of the redeployment leave by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. If the notice period is suspended, the date of presentation of this letter determines the end of…
The employer sets the duration of the redeployment leave at between four and twelve months. The duration set may be less than four months, subject to the employee’s express agreement. In the case of retraining, it may be extended to twenty-four months. When the employee follows a training course or a course to validate the experience acquired, the duration of the redeployment leave may not be less than the duration…
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