Article L2131-1 of the French Labour Code
The sole purpose of professional trade unions is to study and defend the rights and material and moral interests, both collective and individual, of the persons mentioned in their articles of association.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Two: Collective labour relations | Book I: Trade unions | Title III: Legal status, resources and means | Chapter I: Purpose and constitution.
The sole purpose of professional trade unions is to study and defend the rights and material and moral interests, both collective and individual, of the persons mentioned in their articles of association.
Trade unions or professional associations of persons exercising the same profession, similar trades or related trades contributing to the production of specific products or the same liberal profession may be freely constituted. Notwithstanding these provisions, private individuals employing domestic workers may form a trade union to defend the interests they have in common as employers of such workers.
The founders of any professional association shall file the articles of association and the names of those who, in any capacity whatsoever, are responsible for its administration or management. This deposit shall be renewed in the event of a change in the management or the articles of association.
Any member of a trade union may, if he fulfils the conditions laid down in article L. 2131-5, accede to the administrative or management functions of this trade union.
Any French member of a professional trade union entrusted with the administration or management of this trade union must enjoy his civic rights and not be subject to any prohibition, disqualification or incapacity relating to his civic rights. Under the same conditions, any foreign national aged eighteen or over who is a member of a trade union may be appointed to the administration or management of that trade union.
In the event of voluntary dissolution, dissolution under the Articles of Association or dissolution by court order, the assets of the Association shall be distributed in accordance with the Articles of Association or, in the absence of provisions in the Articles of Association, in accordance with the rules determined by the General Meeting. Under no circumstances may the association’s assets be divided among its members.
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