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Chapter II: Conclusion and proof of the insurance contract - Form and transmission of policies.

Article L112-1 of the French Insurance Code

Insurance may be taken out under a general or special mandate, or even without a mandate, on behalf of a specific person. In the latter case, the insurance benefits the person on whose behalf it was taken out, even though ratification would not take place until after the loss. The insurance may also be taken out on behalf of whomever it may concern. The clause is valid both as insurance…

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Article L112-2 of the French Insurance Code

It is compulsory for the insurer to provide a price and cover information sheet before the contract is taken out. Before taking out the contract, the insurer must provide the policyholder with a copy of the draft contract and its appendices, or with a contract information leaflet describing in detail the cover and exclusions, as well as the policyholder’s obligations. The documents given to the policyholder specify the law applicable…

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Article L112-2-1 of the French Insurance Code

I.-1° The distance supply of insurance transactions to a consumer is governed by this Book and by articles L. 222-1 to L. 222-3, L. 222-6 and L. 222-13 to L. 222-16, L. 222-18, L. 232-4 and L. 242-15 of the Consumer Code; 2° For the purposes of 1°, the following definitions apply: a) “The policyholder, a natural person, who is acting for purposes which are outside his or her trade,…

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Article L112-2-2 of the French Insurance Code

I.-When a distributor within the meaning of III of Article L. 511-1 contacts a policyholder or prospective policyholder by telephone with a view to concluding an insurance contract that does not fall within the scope of the policyholder’s or prospective policyholder’s commercial or professional activity: 1° At the beginning of the conversation, and immediately after fulfilling the information obligations laid down by regulation, the distributor shall obtain the policyholder’s or…

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Article L112-3 of the French Insurance Code

The insurance contract and the information sent by the insurer to the policyholder referred to in this code shall be drawn up in writing, in French, and in clear characters. By way of derogation from the provisions of the previous paragraph concerning the use of the French language, when, by virtue of articles L. 181-1 and L. 183-1, the parties to the contract have the option of applying a law…

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Article L112-4 of the French Insurance Code

The insurance policy is dated the day it is issued. It states : – the names and residences of the contracting parties ; – the thing or person insured – the nature of the risks covered – the time from which the risk is covered and the duration of this cover; – the amount of cover; – the insurance premium or contribution. The policy also indicates : – the law…

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Article L112-7 of the French Insurance Code

Where an insurance contract is offered under the freedom to provide services within the meaning of article L. 362-2 or by a branch pursuant to article L. 362-1, the policyholder is informed, before any commitment is entered into, of the name of the Member State of the European Union in which the head office of the company or, where applicable, the branch with which the contract will be concluded is…

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Article L112-8 of the French Insurance Code

Where a contract covering civil liability arising from the use of motor vehicles other than the carrier’s civil liability is taken out under the freedom to provide services within the meaning of article L. 310-3, the contract or cover note must indicate the name and address of the claims representative appointed in France by the insurer.

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