Article L7224-9 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The President of the Executive Council prepares and implements the deliberations of the Assembly of Martinique.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART SEVEN: OTHER COLLECTIVITIES GOVERNED BY ARTICLE 73 OF THE CONSTITUTION | BOOK II: TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITY OF MARTINIQUE | TITLE II: BODIES OF THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITY OF MARTINIQUE | CHAPTER IV : The Executive Council and the Chairman of the Executive Council | Section 3: Powers of the Chairman of the Executive Council
The President of the Executive Council prepares and implements the deliberations of the Assembly of Martinique.
The President of the Executive Council is the authorising officer for expenditure and prescribes the execution of revenue for the territorial collectivity of Martinique, subject to the specific provisions of the General Tax Code relating to the collection of tax revenue by territorial collectivities. He charges to the investment section capital expenditure relating to movable assets not included on the lists and of a value below a threshold set by…
The President of the Executive Council has sole responsibility for administration. He delegates by decree, under his supervision and responsibility, the exercise of part of his functions to each Executive Councillor. These delegations remain in force until revoked.
The President of the Executive Council is the head of the services of the territorial collectivity of Martinique. He may, under his supervision and responsibility, delegate his signature in all matters to the heads of the said departments. He manages the staff of the collectivity under the conditions provided by the loi n° 84-53 du 26 janvier 1984 portant dispositions statutaires relatives à la fonction publique territoriale.
The President of the Executive Council may, by order deliberated within the Executive Council, take any measure: 1° Tending to specify the terms of application of the deliberations of the Assembly of Martinique; 2° Laying down the rules for the organisation and operation of the services of the territorial collectivity of Martinique.
The President of the Executive Council shall appoint rural wardens in the cases and under the conditions provided for in article L. 2213-17.
The President of the Executive Council manages the local authority’s property. As such, he exercises the police powers associated with this management.
The Chairman of the Executive Board may take all protective measures and interrupt any lapse.
The President of the Executive Council brings legal actions on behalf of the territorial collectivity of Martinique by virtue of the decision of the Assembly and may, with the assent of the Executive Council, defend any action brought against the collectivity. He may, by delegation of the Assembly, be charged for the duration of his mandate with bringing legal actions on behalf of the collectivity or defending the collectivity in…
The President of the Executive Council, by delegation of the Assembly, may be entrusted for the duration of his term of office with taking any decision concerning the preparation, award, performance and settlement of contracts and framework agreements, as well as any decision concerning their amendments, when the appropriations are entered in the budget. The President of the Executive Council shall report to the next meeting of the Assembly on…
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