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Article L313-40 of the French Consumer Code

The written deed, including the unilateral promise of sale accepted and the preliminary contract provided for in the article L. 261-15 du code de la construction et de l’habitation, the purpose of which is to record one of the transactions referred to in 1° of article L. 313-1, must indicate whether the price will be paid directly or indirectly, even in part, with or without the help of one or…

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Article L313-41 of the French Consumer Code

When the deed referred to in article L. 313-40 indicates that the price is paid, directly or indirectly, even partially, using one or more loans governed by the provisions of sections 1 to 5 and section 7 of this chapter, this deed is entered into under the suspensive condition of obtaining the loan or loans that finance it. The period of validity of this condition precedent may not be less…

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Article L313-42 of the French Consumer Code

When the deed referred to in article L. 313-40 indicates that the price will be paid without the aid of one or more loans, this deed shall bear, in the hand of the purchaser, a statement by which the latter acknowledges having been informed that if he nevertheless resorts to a loan he may not avail himself of the provisions of this chapter. In the absence of the indication prescribed…

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Article L313-43 of the French Consumer Code

For expenditure relating to the repair, improvement or maintenance of residential property or property used for both business and residential purposes, where the credit is secured by a mortgage, by another comparable security interest in residential property or by a right attached to residential property, and in the absence of a contract signed by both parties, the suspensive condition provided for in Article L. 313-41 can only result from a…

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Article L313-44 of the French Consumer Code

Where it is stated in the deed recording the loan that the loan is intended to finance real estate works or works by means of a development, construction, project management or contractor contract, the court may, in the event of a dispute or accidents affecting the performance of the contracts and until the dispute is resolved, suspend the performance of the loan contract without prejudice to any right of the…

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