Article R2151-1 of the French Public procurement code
The purchaser shall set the time limits for receipt of tenders, taking into account the complexity of the contract and the time needed by economic operators to prepare their tenders.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public procurement code | Regulatory part | PART TWO: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT | Book I: GENERAL PROVISIONS | Title V: OFFERING PHASE | Chapter I: PRESENTATION AND CONTENT OF TENDERS | Section 1: Submission of tenders
The purchaser shall set the time limits for receipt of tenders, taking into account the complexity of the contract and the time needed by economic operators to prepare their tenders.
The time limits for receipt of tenders submitted under a formalised procedure may not be less than the minimum time limits specific to each procedure, as defined in Chapter I of Title VI. Where certain consultation documents are not published on a buyer profile for one of the reasons mentioned in article R. 2132-5, the minimum time limit for receipt of tenders is increased by five days, except in duly…
Where tenders can only be submitted following a visit to the place where the contract is to be performed or after on-the-spot consultation of additional documents, the time limits for the receipt of tenders shall be sufficient to enable all economic operators to acquaint themselves with all the information necessary for drawing up their tenders.
The time limit for receipt of tenders is extended in the following cases: 1° When additional information, necessary for the preparation of the tender and requested in good time by the economic operator, is not provided within the time limits laid down in article R. 2132-6; 2° When significant modifications are made to the consultation documents. The length of the extension is proportionate to the importance of the information requested…
Tenders received after the deadline will be eliminated.
The tenderer must submit his tender in a single submission. If several tenders are successively submitted by the same tenderer, only the last tender received by the purchaser within the deadline set for the submission of tenders will be opened.
The purchaser may prohibit candidates, in the consultation documents, from submitting several tenders for the contract or some of its lots, acting at the same time:1° As individual candidates and as members of one or more groupings;2° As members of several groupings.
Purchasers may authorise the presentation of variants under the following conditions:1° For contracts awarded in accordance with a formalised procedure:a) Where the contract is awarded by a contracting authority, variants are prohibited unless otherwise stated in the contract notice or in the invitation to confirm interest;b) Where the contract is awarded by a contracting entity, variants are authorised unless otherwise stated in the contract notice or in the invitation to…
The purchaser may require the submission of variants. In this case, it shall indicate this in the tender notice, in the invitation to confirm interest or, in the absence of such a notice or invitation, in the consultation documents.
Where the purchaser authorises or requires the presentation of variants, he shall state in the consultation documents the minimum requirements that the variants must meet and any special conditions for their presentation.
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