Article D112-8 of the French Sports Code
The school is administered by a thirteen-member Board of Directors, assisted by a Steering Committee. It is headed by a Managing Director.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Sports Code | Regulatory part - Decrees | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF PHYSICAL AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES | TITLE I: PUBLIC AUTHORITIES | Chapter II: Public bodies and the National Sports Agency | Section 1: Public establishments | Subsection 3: The National Sports Museum | Paragraph 2: Organisation and operation
The school is administered by a thirteen-member Board of Directors, assisted by a Steering Committee. It is headed by a Managing Director.
The Board of Directors comprises : 1° Three representatives of the State: a) The Director of Sport or his representative ; b) Another representative of the Minister for Sport; c) The Director General of Heritage and Architecture or his representative; 2° Three representatives appointed respectively by a region, a department and a municipality. These local authorities are chosen by the Minister for Sport as a priority from among the local…
The members of the Board of Directors mentioned in 4° and 5° of article D. 112-9 are appointed for a renewable term of three years. The representatives of the local authorities mentioned in 2° of the same article are appointed for the duration of their elective mandate. In the event of a vacancy occurring more than three months before the expiry of the term of office, a new member is…
The President is appointed by order of the Minister for Sport from among the members mentioned in 3° and 4° of article D. 112-9, with the exception of the President of the Steering Committee who is ex officio Vice-President of the Board of Directors. The Chairman ensures that the institution carries out its duties. He is deputised by the vice-chairman in the event of absence or impediment.
The duties of director are performed free of charge. However, they entitle the holder to reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with Decree no. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 laying down the conditions and procedures for payment of expenses incurred in the temporary travel of civil servants of the French State.
The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year and is convened by its Chairman, who sets the agenda on a proposal from the Chief Executive. The Board of Directors meets automatically at the request of at least half of its members or at the request of the Minister for Sport. The Board of Directors may only validly deliberate if at least half of its members are present. If…
The Board of Directors deliberates on : 1° The general policy of the establishment and the general guidelines and measures relating to the organisation and operation of the establishment; 2° the strategic, artistic, museographic and commercial orientations of the establishment; 3° the general guidelines of the policy for the acquisition of works and objects destined to take their place in the national collections; 4° The budget and its modifications; 5°…
The decisions of the Board of Directors are enforceable if, within fifteen days of their receipt, the Minister responsible for sport has not made any observations known. However, decisions relating to the matters listed at 7°, 10°, 13°, 14° and 15° of article D. 112-14 become enforceable one month after their receipt by the ministers responsible for the budget and for sport if the latter have not made their observations…
The Managing Director of the institution is appointed by joint order of the Ministers of Culture and Sport from among persons with the qualifications defined in article L. 442-8 of the French Heritage Code. He/she is appointed for a renewable three-year term.
The Chief Executive Officer : 1° Prepares the decisions of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are implemented; 2° Prepares the programme of activities and ensures that it runs smoothly; 3° Prepares the budget and its amendments; 4° Has authority over the institution’s departments and ensures compliance with the museum’s internal regulations; 5° Is the authorising officer for income and expenditure; 6° Is responsible for the management of…
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