Article L732-1 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
All decisions to impose house arrest, including renewals, must be substantiated.
All decisions to impose house arrest, including renewals, must be substantiated.
A foreign national who is the subject of a deportation order, a ban from French territory or an administrative ban from the territory issued at any point in the territory of the Republic may, regardless of where he or she is, be assigned to residence in places chosen by the administrative authority throughout the territory of the Republic.
The house arrest provided for in article L. 731-1 may not exceed forty-five days.It may be renewed once for the same period.
When the house arrest has been decreed pursuant to 1°, 2°, 3°, 4° or 5° of article L. 731-3, it may not exceed a period of six months.It may be renewed once, within the same time limit. However, in the cases provided for in 2° and 5° of the same article, it may only be renewed for as long as the ban on return or the ban on movement on…
When house arrest has been imposed pursuant to 6°, 7° or 8° of article L. 731-3 or articles L. 731-4 or L. 731-5, the maximum period of six months provided for in article L. 732-4 does not apply.In the case provided for in 7° of article L. 731-3, maintenance under house arrest beyond five years is subject to a specially reasoned decision stating the particular circumstances justifying this extension with…
The detailed rules for the application of this section shall be laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
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