Article D441-5 of the French Commercial code
The amount of the fixed indemnity for recovery costs provided for in II of Article L. 441-10 is set at 40 euros.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK IV: Free pricing and competition. | TITLE IV: Transparency, restrictive competition practices and other prohibited practices. | Chapter I: Transparency in commercial relations. | Section 3: Invoicing and payment terms
The amount of the fixed indemnity for recovery costs provided for in II of Article L. 441-10 is set at 40 euros.
I.-For the application of article L. 441-14, companies shall present in the management report : 1° For suppliers, the number and total amount of invoices received but not paid by the end of the financial year for which the due date has passed; this amount is broken down by tranches of delay and expressed as a percentage of the total amount of purchases for the financial year; 2° In the…
The economic sectors defined in III of Article L. 441-15 are: 1° The motor industry sector listed under division 29 of section C of the French activity nomenclature; >The construction sector listed under section F of section C of the French activity nomenclature; The motor industry sector listed under division 29 of section C of the French activity nomenclature 2° The construction sector listed under section F of the French…
I.-The administrative authority referred to in I of Article L. 441-15 within whose territorial jurisdiction the applicant has established its registered office or place of business is: 1° The Regional Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity or his or her nominated representative; >The Regional Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity or his or her nominated representative 2° The Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity…
The application shall include all the information and supporting documents needed to assess whether the trader is covered by the provisions of article L. 441-15. If the application is incomplete, the department shall ask the applicant to provide the necessary additional information, in the same form as the application. If the application is incomplete, the department will ask the applicant to provide the necessary additional information, in the same way…
The applicant is notified of its decision. In the case provided for in 3° of II of Article L. 441-15, the competent authority referred to in Article R. 441-8 will notify the professional of his new formal position at least two weeks before it takes effect.
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