Article 411-32 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code
Screenplay rewriting grants are awarded in the cases provided for in 2° and 3° of article 411-27.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Cinema and Moving Image Code | Appendix: GENERAL RULES FOR FINANCIAL AID FROM THE CENTRE NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DE L'IMAGE ANIMÉE | Book IV: SUPPORT FOR DIVERSITY OF CREATION AND PUBLIC PERFORMANCE | Title I: FINANCIAL AID FOR THE CREATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF SHORT-LIFE FILM AND AUDIOVISUAL WORKS | Chapter I: Financial aid for the production, development and promotion of short cinematographic and audiovisual works | Section 3: Selective financial aid | Subsection 2: Aid for script rewriting
Screenplay rewriting grants are awarded in the cases provided for in 2° and 3° of article 411-27.
Selective financial aid is awarded to production companies or, if they have not signed an audiovisual production contract with a production company, to writer-directors, in the form of a grant, for rewriting the script of a short film.
The amount of aid is set at €2,000.
The beneficiary of a rewriting grant has twelve months from the date of the award decision to submit a rewriting note and the reworked script to the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée.In exceptional circumstances and at the reasoned request of the beneficiary, this deadline may be extended by a period not exceeding six months by decision of the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de…
Selective financial aid is awarded jointly to writer-directors and creative residencies, in the form of a residency grant, for the rewriting of the script of a short film, when it is the writer-director’s first or second work.
The granting of aid is the subject of two decisions:1° A provisional decision accepting the principle of granting aid;2° A definitive decision to grant aid once the amount of aid has been determined.
The amount of aid is determined following the opinion of the costing committee mentioned in article 411-28.
In order to obtain a final decision on the award of a residency grant, the writer-director must submit, within eighteen months of the provisional decision, a letter of agreement for a residency, setting out his or her programme and co-signed by the writer-director and the residency.
The final award decision sets out the breakdown between the share paid to the writer-director and the share paid to the residence.
The writer-director has twelve months from the date of the final award to submit to the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée a report on the residency, a rewriting note, the reworked script and a report drawn up by the residency.In exceptional circumstances and at the reasoned request of the writer-director, this period may be extended for a period not exceeding six months by decision of the President…
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