Candidates whose applications are declared admissible, in accordance with the provisions of article A. 212-114-2, must submit their complete application (first and second parts) to the selection board for the diploma requested.
They must enclose the following documents with their application:
a copy of the census certificate and the individual certificate of participation in the call to prepare for defence for French people under the age of twenty-five;
-the “level 1 civic prevention and first aid” teaching unit (PSC1) or any equivalent qualification;
-a medical certificate stating that he/she is not contraindicated in practising sport and teaching the option concerned, dated less than three months before the application deadline;
-for disabled persons, the opinion of the commission provided for in articles A. 212-159 to A. 212-162.
The jury will check whether the knowledge and skills demonstrated by the candidate in his or her application correspond to the programmes mentioned in annexes II-6, II-7 and II-8 of this code, for the common part, and to the skills defined by the decrees for each option, taken in application of article D. 212-72, for the specific part, and, where appropriate, will validate them in full or in part.