The overall result is determined by the parent company by making the algebraic sum of the results of each of the companies in the group, determined under the conditions of ordinary law or in accordance with the procedures set out in article 214.
Participation income received by a group company from a company that has been a member of the group for more than one financial year and participation income received by a group company from a company subject to a tax equivalent to corporation tax in a Member State of the European Union or in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area that has entered into an administrative assistance agreement with France with a view to combating tax fraud and tax evasion which, if it were established in France, would have met the conditions for membership of this group for more than one financial year, pursuant to articles 223 A or 223 A bis, other than that of being subject to corporation tax in France, are deducted from the overall result in the amount of 99% of their amount if they do not give entitlement to the application of the regime mentioned in article 145, paragraph 1. Income from holdings received by a company which is not a member of a group in respect of a holding in a company subject to a tax equivalent to corporation tax in these same States is deducted from net profit up to 99% of its amount, provided that these companies would have met the conditions for forming a group, pursuant to articles 223 A or 223 A bis, if the second company were established in France. The previous sentence does not apply where the first company is not a member of a group solely because it does not have the options and agreements to be formulated in application of I and the first paragraph of III of article 223 A and I of article 223 A bis. Where the securities have not been held for a period of two years, their cost price is reduced, for the purposes of determining the capital gain or loss on disposal, by the amount of the related income from holdings, the amount of which has been deducted from the overall result or net profit in application of this paragraph. When the securities mentioned in the first sentence of the second paragraph of a ter of I of the article 219 are held for at least two years, their cost price is reduced, for the purposes of determining the capital loss on disposal, the amount of income from holdings relating thereto, the amount of which was deducted from the overall result or net profit pursuant to this paragraph, during the financial year in respect of which this capital loss was recorded and during the five previous financial years.
The overall result is increased by the amount of additional allocations to provisions set aside by a company after it joined the group, in respect of receivables it holds on other companies in the group, securities held in other companies in the group and excluded from the long-term capital gains or losses regime in accordance with Article 219, or risks it incurs as a result of such companies. It is also increased by the amount of additional allocations to provisions made by a company after it joined the group, in respect of claims it holds on intermediary companies, on foreign companies or on the non-resident parent entity, of securities held in such companies and excluded from the system of long-term capital gains or losses in accordance with Article 219, or of risks it incurs as a result of such companies, with the exception of the fraction of these allowances for which the parent company provides proof that it is not linked, directly or indirectly, to the losses and net long-term capital losses of companies in the group used to determine the overall result and the overall net long-term capital gain or loss. In the event of the sale of an asset between companies in the group, allocations to provisions for the depreciation of this asset made after the sale are added back to the overall result, in the amount of the excess of the capital gains or profits over the capital losses or losses relating to this same asset, which has not been taken into account, pursuant to the first paragraph of article 223 F, for the calculation of the group’s overall profit or net long-term capital gain or loss. When, in application of the second paragraph of article 223 F, the parent company includes in the overall result the result or capital gain or loss not taken into account when it was realised, the fraction of the provision which has not been deducted in application of the second sentence of this paragraph, nor brought back in application of the fifteenth paragraph of 5° of 1 of the article 39, is deducted from the overall result. The latter is also reduced by the amount of the provisions reported in application of the fifteenth paragraph of 5° of 1 of Article 39 which correspond to the additional allowances not retained in application of this paragraph if the companies referred to in the first and third sentences of this paragraph or held, directly or indirectly, by the intermediate companies, the non-resident parent entity or the foreign companies mentioned in the second sentence of the same paragraph are members of the group or, in the case of the provisions mentioned in the first and second sentences, of the same group created or enlarged under the conditions provided for in c, d, e, f, g, h, i or j of Article 6 of 223 L in respect of the financial year during which these provisions are reported;
The amount of the remuneration provided for in Article L. 225-45 du code de commerce et des tantièmes déduits du résultat des sociétés filiales du groupe, et de celui de la société mère mentionnée au deuxième alinéa du I de l’article 223 A, du présent code est ajouté au résultat d’ensemble.
The benefit granted between companies of the group resulting from the delivery of goods other than those making up the fixed assets or from the provision of services, for a price lower than their actual value but at least equal to their cost price, is not taken into account for the determination of the net profit mentioned in 1 and 2 of article 38 and does not constitute distributed income.
When a company has purchased the securities of another company that is or becomes a member of the same group or the securities of an intermediate company or a foreign company from persons who control it, directly or indirectly, or from companies that such persons control, directly or indirectly, within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, the financial charges deducted to determine the net profit for the group are deducted from this net profit in a proportion equal to the ratio of the acquisition price of these securities, limited, where applicable, to the market value of the securities of the group companies directly or indirectly held by the intermediate company or by the foreign company acquired, to the sum of the average amount of the debts, for each financial year, of the companies belonging to the group. The acquisition price to be retained is reduced by the amount of funds contributed to the transferee company during a capital increase carried out at the same time as the acquisition of the securities, provided that these funds are contributed to the transferee company by a person other than a company that is a member of the group or, if they are contributed by a group company, that they do not come from loans granted by a person that is not a member of the group. The reintegration applies during the financial year in which the securities are acquired and the following eight financial years.
The sixth paragraph applies even if the company directly or indirectly acquired is not or does not become a member of the same group as the transferee company, if the former is absorbed by the latter or by a company that is or becomes a member of the same group as the transferee company.
The provisions of the sixth paragraph do not apply:
a. If the transfer is made between companies that are members of the same group;
b. In respect of financial years during which the company directly or indirectly acquired is no longer a member of the group, provided that its departure from the group is not the result of a merger with another company in the group.
c. If the securities sold to the company that is a member of the group were acquired, directly or through the acquisition of a company that controls, directly or indirectly, the company acquired within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the Commercial Code immediately prior thereto, from persons other than those mentioned in the sixth paragraph, and with a view to retrocession.
d. in respect of the financial years during which the company holding the securities of the acquired company is no longer controlled by the persons referred to in the first sentence of the sixth paragraph.
The balance of the fraction of interest that is not immediately deductible, mentioned in the last paragraph of this article in its wording prior to law no. 2018-1317 of 28 December 2018 on finance for 2019, not charged at the close of the last financial year opened before 1 January 2019 is deductible under the same conditions as the net financial expenses not allowed as a deduction mentioned in 1 of VIII of Article 223 B bis.