The specially authorised personnel of the national police and gendarmerie services designated for this purpose as well as the specially authorised personnel of the State invested by law with judicial police powers, in particular the customs officers, tax officers and environmental inspectors mentioned in article L. 172-1 of the Environment Code, may access information, including nominative information, contained in the personal data processing provided for in this section and held by each of these departments. The authorisation shall specify the nature of the data to which access is authorised. Access, by any mobile technical means, to the information contained in the processing of personal data provided for by this section is open only to the personnel of the national police and gendarmerie, customs and tax services and the environmental inspectors mentioned in the same Article L. 172-1.
Access to the information mentioned in the first paragraph is also open to:
1° Public prosecutors;
2° Investigating magistrates, for investigations relating to offences referred to them.