If a company that has opted for the regime defined in the second paragraph of 1° bis of 1 of Article 39 is absorbed by a company that has not exercised this option, the paid holiday pay corresponding to the rights acquired by the transferred employees, during the neutralised period defined below, is not deductible. This neutralised period is the period during which the unused entitlements of these employees were acquired on the date of the merger. It may not be shorter than the vesting period for unused paid holiday entitlements at the end of the financial year of the acquiring company that is in progress at the time of the merger; it must be at least seven months. The compensation corresponding to the latter rights is considered as deducted for tax purposes.
If the expense deducted from the taxable results for that financial year by the acquiring company in respect of the rights actually used during that same financial year by the transferred employees is less than the compensation corresponding to the neutralised period defined in the first paragraph, the difference is reintegrated into the taxable results for that financial year.
In the event of a partial contribution of assets, demerger and transfer of employees with continuation of employment contracts, the provisions of this article shall apply.
These provisions apply to the social security and tax charges relating to holiday pay.
A decree shall set the terms and conditions for the application of this article.