1. Having regard to the extent and seriousness of the offence committed and the personality of the offender, the court may :
a) Release the offenders from confiscation of the means of transport, except in cases where the acts of smuggling or the like have been committed by concealment in specially prepared hiding places or in cavities or empty spaces not normally intended for the accommodation of goods ;
b) Release offenders from confiscation of objects used to conceal the fraud;
c) Reduce the amount of sums in lieu of confiscation of fraudulent goods;
d) Reduce the amount of tax fines to below the minimum amount;
e) With regard to the tax penalties referred to in c and d of this 1, limit or abolish the joint and several liability of certain convicted persons;
f) Exempt the guilty party from the criminal penalties provided for by this Code, order that their enforcement be deferred, decide that the conviction not be entered in bulletin no. 2 of the criminal record.
If there is more than one offender for the same act of fraud, the court may, with regard to sums in lieu of confiscation and tax fines, limit the extent of the joint and several liability to some of them only. In this case, the court shall first impose the tax penalties applicable to the other offenders and to which they shall be jointly and severally liable.
2 (paragraph repealed).
3. Where the goods seized are not explicitly prohibited under customs regulations, the courts may release them before giving final judgment.
4. The courts may not exempt the debtor from the payment of sums defrauded or unduly obtained or from the confiscation of goods that are dangerous to health or public morals and safety, counterfeit goods or goods subject to quantitative restrictions.