Those who, by export, import, transfer or set-off, carry out or attempt to carry out a financial transaction between France and a foreign country involving funds that they knew to be derived, directly or indirectly, from an offence provided for by any legislation that customs officers are required to enforce, shall be punished by ten years’ imprisonment, confiscation of the sums involved in the offence or a sum in lieu thereof where seizure could not be ordered, confiscation of property used to commit the offence or intended for use in committing the offence, confiscation of property and assets that are the direct or indirect proceeds of the offence and a fine of between one and five times the sum involved in the offence or attempted offence, carried out or attempted to carry out a financial transaction between France and a foreign country involving funds which they knew to be derived, directly or indirectly, from an offence under any legislation which customs officers are responsible for enforcing or which is detrimental to the financial interests of the European Union, or from an offence under legislation on poisonous substances or plants classified as narcotics, including if the activities from which the funds originated were carried out in the territory of another Member State of the European Union or in that of a third country.
This article also applies to
1° To the transport and collection of funds of illicit origin, within the meaning of the first paragraph, which are carried out in the customs territory ;
2° Where the transaction relates to digital assets mentioned inArticle L. 54-10-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code.
The fine provided for in the first paragraph may be up to ten times the amount involved in the offence or attempted offence when committed by an organised gang.