One or more judicial courts designated by decree shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction with that resulting from the application of Articles 43,52and 382 of this code for the investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment of the crimes provided for in articles 221-1 to 221-5,222-1,222-3 to 222-6,222-23 to 222-26and 224-1 to 224-3 of the Criminal Code and all offences related to these crimes, when at least one of the two following conditions is met and the investigations concerning them are particularly complex:
1° These crimes were committed or are likely to have been committed repeatedly on different dates by the same person against different victims;
2° It has not been possible to identify the perpetrator more than eighteen months after they were committed.
Where they have jurisdiction to prosecute or investigate the offences referred to in this article, the public prosecutor and the investigating judge of the designated courts shall exercise their powers throughout the territorial jurisdiction specified by the decree provided for in the first paragraph of this article. If only one specialised court is designated, this jurisdiction shall extend to the entire national territory.
The court seised shall retain jurisdiction regardless of the charges brought in the settlement or judgment of the case. However, if the facts constitute a contravention, the investigating judge shall order the case to be referred to the competent police court pursuant to Article 522.