Where the requirements of the investigation or enquiry into one of the crimes or offences falling within the scope of Articles 706-73 and 706-73-1 le justifient, le procureur de la République ou, après avis de ce magistrat, le juge d’instruction saisi peuvent autoriser qu’il soit procédé, sous leur contrôle respectif, à une opération d’infiltration dans les conditions prévues par la présente section.
Undercover surveillance consists, for an officer or agent of the judicial police specially authorised under conditions laid down by decree and acting under the responsibility of an officer of the judicial police in charge of coordinating the operation, of watching persons suspected of committing a crime or an offence by posing as one of their co-perpetrators, accomplices or fencestealers. To this end, the officer or agent of the judicial police is authorised to use an assumed identity and, if necessary, to commit the acts mentioned in article 706-82. On pain of nullity, these acts may not constitute incitement to commit offences.
Infiltration is the subject of a report drawn up by the judicial police officer who coordinated the operation, which includes the elements strictly necessary to establish the offences and which do not endanger the safety of the undercover agent and the persons required within the meaning of Article 706-82.