The Public Prosecutor shall receive requests for recognition and enforcement in the territory of the Republic of convictions or probation decisions handed down by the courts of other Member States. It may also ask the competent authority of another Member State to forward to it a request for recognition and enforcement in the territory of the Republic of a conviction handed down by a court in that State.
If the competent authority of the sentencing State so requests, the public prosecutor shall inform the latter of the maximum period of deprivation of liberty provided for under French law for the offence which gave rise to the conviction, and which could be imposed on the convicted person in the event of non-compliance with alternative sanctions or probation measures.
He may obtain or have obtained any additional information that he considers useful. Where the certificate referred to in Article 764-6 is incomplete or manifestly does not correspond to the sentence or, where applicable, the probation decision, it shall set a maximum period of ten days for the competent authority of the sentencing State to complete or rectify the certificate.