Alternative sanctions and probation measures the monitoring of which may be transferred to the executing State are those which impose one or more of the following obligations or injunctions:
1° An obligation on the sentenced person to inform a specific authority of any change of residence or place of work;
2° A prohibition on going to certain places or defined areas in the sentencing State or the administering State;
3° Restrictions on the possibility of leaving the territory of the administering State ;
4° Injunctions concerning behaviour, residence, training or leisure activities, or involving restrictions or terms relating to the exercise of a professional activity;
5° The obligation to report at specified times to a specific authority;
6° The obligation to avoid contact with specific persons ;
7° A prohibition on possessing or using specific objects that have been used by the convicted person or could be used with a view to committing a crime or offence;
8° An obligation to make financial reparation for the damage caused by the offence or an obligation to provide proof that this obligation has been complied with;
9° An obligation to carry out community service ;
10° The obligation to cooperate with a probation officer or with a representative of a social service performing functions related to sentenced persons;
11° The obligation to undergo medical treatment or detoxification;
12° Where appropriate, other obligations and orders, notified to the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, which the executing State is prepared to monitor.